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Positively Joy

Get to know our Translife Programs Coordinator, Joy!

0:00: When I had to leave for college.

0:01: And I was so sad to leave for college.

0:03: I really didn't want to go.

0:05: And I was really worried that I would sort of lose my connection with P I.

0:10: And I'm really, really grateful to say that that didn't happen.

0:13: And I'm really honored to be back.

0:15: Hi and welcome to Positively, a podcast by Positive Images.

0:20: Today, we're sitting down with Joy Anderson, one of our program's coordinators here at Positive images.

0:35: Positive Images.

0:38: My name is Joy Anderson.

0:40: My pronouns are they them?

0:41: And my title is Trans life Programs coordinator.

0:44: What are your top three passions?

0:48: Oh If I had to pick my top three passions, I would say social justice frogs and honestly, probably the TV, show is supernatural for better or worse if you were to compete on a reality TV show, which one?

1:07: I don't really watch a lot of reality TV.

1:09: So it's hard for me to say.

1:10: But I think I would enjoy being on a like dating show because I think I have really good communication skills.

1:19: So I think I would be doing a good job of like expressing how I'm feeling, understanding how other people are feeling.

1:27: And being like the level headed one, how would your friends describe you?

1:33: I think my friends would describe me as warm as a little bit silly.

1:42: And a good listener and organized and kind of like the like parent friend of the group.

1:54: Tell us about the first time you heard of positive images.

1:57: I first heard of positive images back in, I want to say it was probably 2016.

2:05: I was a senior in high school and the director of P I at the time came to our high school for what was then called Day of Tolerance.

2:17: Now, it's called Day of Acceptance.

2:19: And I was asked to speak on this panel talking about being a part of the queer community.

2:25: And it was facilitated by the director at the time.

2:28: And so that's how I first kind of got introduced to P I.

2:32: And then I I think I honestly was recommended to come here by a therapist, which is how a lot of people find us.

2:40: And I started coming to groups.

2:42: So how did you move from a community member to an employee?

2:46: That's a really good question.

2:48: I think my process of moving from like a community member and participant to being an employee certainly didn't happen overnight.

2:58: Like I was involved with P I for a long time.

3:00: So I started coming to P I as a member, coming to support groups in 2017.

3:07: And I immediately got really involved.

3:10: I started volunteering with the youth leadership team and helped with running the groups and occasionally planning events and stuff like that.

3:18: And I did that for a couple of years until a position opened up in 2019.

3:23: At that time, it was the outreach coordinator position and I was encouraged to apply for it and I was really grateful to get that position.

3:32: And I worked at P I from 2019 until 2021 when I had to leave for college.

3:38: And I was so sad to leave for college.

3:40: I really didn't want to go.

3:43: And I was really worried that I would sort of lose my connection with P I.

3:48: And I'm really, really grateful to say that that didn't happen.

3:51: And I'm really honored to be back.

3:53: What did you study while you were at U C Santa Cruz?

3:57: When I was away from P I at U C Santa Cruz, I majored in community studies, which sounds pretty broad and I guess it kind of is.

4:04: but it's about learning about community organizing, social justice, learning about the nonprofit sector and the good things and the bad things that come with nonprofits and then getting actual experience working at a nonprofit, which I actually already had some experience doing that.

4:21: having been with P I but I got some more experience working at an organization in San Francisco.

4:28: And yeah, it was a really great program.

4:31: It was my top choice.

4:32: So I was very lucky to get to be there.

4:35: What's the most rewarding part of working for P I?

4:39: There are a lot of things that are really rewarding about working for positive images.

4:43: But I think getting to work with young people and getting to see young folks who came out a lot earlier than I did And support them in their exploration and just meet them where they're at with no expectations and seeing them bloom and grow because of that is really, really rewarding.

5:06: And makes me wonder what my life would have been like if I came here when I was 12.

5:12: So what are you up to when you're in the office?

5:15: Oh, I do a lot of different stuff when I'm at work.

5:20: I mean, right now I'm planning, helping to plan an event called Trans Day of Remembrance.

5:26: So often I'll be working on different events like that, but a lot of what I do has to do with our own programming here at P I running our support groups.

5:36: And also with our youth leadership team, we're working on a lot of stuff behind the scenes right now to kind of bolster our youth leadership program and that's been pretty exciting.

5:47: So I help support the youth and their roles in running our support group.

5:53: and kind of help prepare for our programming and whatever it is we're going to offer that week.

5:58: What's something that you wish everybody knew about P I I think something that I wish more people knew about P I is that we're making a really big effort to be bilingual.

6:09: And to offer more services in Spanish and to make sure that we can support community members who don't speak a lot of English.

6:15: I think that's really incredible and something that we've been really lacking for a long time.

6:20: So I wish more people knew about that.

6:23: I also wish that more people knew that you can just come and hang out like you don't have to have a reason to be here.

6:29: You can just come be here, use our computer, take a nap on a couch, have some food and some snacks.

6:35: You're always welcome and we're always happy to see you.

6:38: Thank you so much joy.

6:39: It has been a pleasure chatting with you today and I hope everybody listening enjoyed as well.

6:44: If you're interested in seeing this interview in video format, head on over to our Instagram at positive images.

6:52: There, you'll be able to find videos of joy of our team and a bunch of other really fun content.

6:57: Plus you'll be able to find out what's up on the docket for us.

7:00: This week.

7:00: So we'll see you next time.

7:02: Have a good one.

7:03: Bye.

7:04: The future of positive images is looking bright and we hope that you'll join us along our journey.

7:09: You can check out our website pause images dot org.

7:12: That's P OS images dot org and see our community calendar for fun things coming up in community and opportunities to join our peer support groups.

7:21: You can also drop into the center from noon to six pm.

7:24: Tuesdays through Fridays.

7:26: We would love to see you there.

7:28: Don't forget to follow us on Instagram at positive images to stay up to date with the absolute latest.

7:34: Until next time, I have been chase overall director of development for positive images and this has been positively positive images.

7:53: What you're still here.

7:55: That must mean that you really love us.

7:57: If you are willing and able, you can always support positive images by making a donation.

8:02: Did you know that by making a donation of only $5 a month?

8:07: You help us out immensely.

8:09: We're using this money to continue to support the LGBT Q I A two S plus community right here in Sonoma County.

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